There is a bug in Akeeba Backup (prior to version 6.6.0) which cause the restoration of a backup of your YourSites server to fail. The Akeeba developers very quickly resolved the issue after we raised a ticket. All users of Akeeba Backup are advised to upgrade to the latest version. This bug only affects backups of the YourSites server and does not affect backups of client sites in any way.
If you need to restore a backup created prior to version 6.6.0 then you will need to undertake a special process to allow the database data to be restored.
`extnauthorurl` varchar(200) GENERATED ALWAYS AS (if(length(`manifest_cache`),ifnull(json_unquote(json_extract(`manifest_cache`,'$.authorUrl')),''),'')) VIRTUAL,
`extnauthorurl` varchar(200) GENERATED ALWAYS AS (if(length(`manifest_cache`),ifnull(json_unquote(json_extract(`manifest_cache`,'$.authorUrl')),''),'')) VIRTUAL,
`extnauthorurl` varchar(200),
This should affect the declaration of up to 6 fields
alter table #__ysts_sites drop column certinfo;
alter table #__ysts_sites drop column cachesize;
alter table #__ysts_sites drop column dbsize;
alter table #__ysts_sites drop column tmpsize;
alter table #__ysts_extensions drop column extnauthor;
alter table #__ysts_extensions drop column extnauthorurl;
We love every single one of our users, without you YourSites simply couldn't happen! So we would love a review at the Joomla! JED so we can let others know about us too, please take a minute to write a review:
If you feel you have something negative to say, we would implore you to speak to us first, as we really really don't want anyone to be unhappy!