Updating YooTheme Pro using YourSites

With YourSites 1.10 you can now update YooTheme Pro on our own client sites if you have an up to date subscription without having to store the download Id on each of your client sites.
On the 'Download Ids' tab of your YourSites configuration at the bottom of the page you can add custom download ID seddings.

Fill in the values as follows - remembering to use your own Yootheme custom download ID Yootheme Pro Update Settings

We love every single one of our users, without you YourSites simply couldn't happen! So we would love a review at the Joomla! JED so we can let others know about us too, please take a minute to write a review:


If you feel you have something negative to say, we would implore you to speak to us first, as we really really don't want anyone to be unhappy!